Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin

Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin
Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin
Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin
Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin
Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin
Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin
Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin

Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin
Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin. 7,000.00 Francos CFA. 40 x 28 mm. Head facing with multicolor artist’s palette. After you finish shopping don’t pay. Add selected items to your cart. Your item(s) will be packaged with care so that it is not damaged in transit and remain same as visible in the offer. I guarantee complete satisfaction with all my high quality products. In case of any kind of dissatisfaction for the received product do not hesitate to contact me to solve any possible objections. I don’t sell fakes or replicas! All my coins items are ORIGINAL!
Equatorial Guinea 1995 Elephant 5oz 7000 Francs Silver Coin

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